Causes of Hypothyroidism: From Emotional Stress to Mineral Deficiencies

Hypothyroidism is a condition that mostly affects women and manifests in various forms, often insidiously and over an extended period. One of the most main causes of hypothyroidism are chronic stress and nutrient deficiencies but lets explore other common causes more in detail and also how hypothyroidism typically develops

Should people with Hashimoto’s disease avoid gluten and dairy?

If you suffer from Hashimoto’s, it is important to understand the impact that gluten and dairy can have on the gut and the body. Especially if you are looking to reverse Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism naturally. People with Hashimoto’s disease often find that their symptoms improve when they avoid gluten and dairy but it’s not only about symptoms. It’s about how what you can do to allow your body to heal. While there is no one-size-fits-all diet for those with autoimmune disorders, eliminating certain trigger foods can be certainly beneficial. It can also help you to lower your thyroid antibodies.