Causes of Hypothyroidism: From Emotional Stress to Mineral Deficiencies

Hypothyroidism is a condition that mostly affects women and manifests in various forms, often insidiously and over an extended period. One of the most main causes of hypothyroidism are chronic stress and nutrient deficiencies but lets explore other common causes more in detail and also how hypothyroidism typically develops

Paleo Diet and Hypothyroidism

When it comes to managing hypothyroidism, diet obviously plays a crucial role. Among various dietary protocols, the Paleo diet has gained prominence for its potential benefits. But how does it relate to thyroid health and hormonal balance, particularly in women? Let’s delve deeper.

How to lower thyroid antibodies anti-TPO and anti-TG naturally.

When it comes to thyroid health, Hashimoto’s and thyroid antibodies can be a bit confusing. In this post, I will share with you key things about what does it mean if you have elevated anti-TPO and anti-TG , how to lower thyroid antibodies naturally and how long it may take to get rid of them completely.

Can hypothyroidism cause anxiety and mental health disorders?

Have you been feeling more anxious than usual and not been able to pinpoint the cause?  Are you experiencing mood swings, problems with concentration and brain fog during your day to day activities? You may be surprised but hypothyroidism could be the underlying cause of your anxiety or feeling on edge. We all know that thyroid affects the whole body: your metabolism, your energy and your weight but did you know that it can affect your mood and mental health too? Untreated hypothyroidism is closely linked with anxiety and even depression.