5 easy ways to boost your omega 3 intake and balance omega 6:3 ratio.

Did you know that even healthy foods like nuts, tofu or chickpeas are actually high in omega 6s? I’m not even talking about grain raised meats and processed foods. Typical modern diet includes far more omega 6s and usually not enough omega 3s. Personally, I love peanut butter and all other nut butters. They areContinue reading “5 easy ways to boost your omega 3 intake and balance omega 6:3 ratio.”

Eat fish but…choose wisely – The most contaminated and safest fish to eat.

There is always something to watch out for. Chicken – contains antibiotics. Vegetables – pesticides. Grains and beans – lectins. Fish? Heavy metals! Mercury, Cadmium, Lead are the most common but there is much more to it.  Dioxins, antibiotics and harmful PCBs raise concern too, especially in farmed fish. It can be pretty overwhelming whatContinue reading “Eat fish but…choose wisely – The most contaminated and safest fish to eat.”